Building Multi-Generational Wealth with Rabbi Yissachar Granitsky

Often in our endeavors to grow as Jews, we sometimes can’t see beyond the challenge directly in front of us and we forget that we are building something much bigger than ourselves. In this inspiring episode, I interviewed Rabbi Yissachar Granitsky. He tells an incredible story of his life as a non-Jew, the event’s G-d created to lead him to a Yeshiva in Israel, so that he could hear a Rabbi ask him, “Who is your G-d? and What are you pursuing?” Armed with focused purpose that he wanted to pursue the G-d of Israel, steadfast resolve, and an unwavering belief, that if one follows the Torah, then The Almighty will take care of the rest, led him to build multi-generational wealth. As a Rabbi and patriarch of the amazing Granitsky family, now eighty plus strong and G-d willing still growing, the principals he shares, if internalized and taught to our children, will enable us to do the same.