Monthly Archives: March 2020

Jewish Life: The Essence of Pesach

The Festival of Pesach is described as, “The time of our Freedom”, and “The Festival of Matzos.” What is the essence of these days? What is the distinct power that we can tap into over the course of this 8-day Festival? In this special pre-Pesach episode, we learn the central point of the Festival that marks the founding of our nation.

Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe on Moshiach

The Jewish people have been saying every year, since the destruction of the 2nd Temple, at their Passover Seder and at Yom Kippur, “Next Year in Jerusalem!” We have been yearning for millennia for the arrival of Moshiach and our redemption, where we will return to Jerusalem and rebuild our temple. In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe, shares his knowledge with us on this subject, teaching us everything we need to know about Moshiach.

Parsha: Vayikra – Infectious Spirituality

With the help of the Almighty, we begin a new Book, the Book of Leviticus, Sefer Vayikra. In this special edition of the Parsha Podcast, we read the Ramban’s introduction to the Book, and also analyze a very interesting subject contained within the Book that mirrors the events dominating the world today.

Jewish Life: Plagues, Epidemics, and Quarantines in Jewish Philosophy

We are living in extraordinary times and facing unprecedented challenges: The coronavirus is upending everyday life in a way that we have never seen in our lifetime. People are scared, people are quarantined, markets are plummeting, schools are off, shuls and yeshivos are shuttered, no one can get toilet paper or bottled water – our equilibrium is off-kilter. In this special episode, we offer a Torah perspective on plagues, epidemics, and quarantines that tries to drill down on the question of, “what does God want from us?”

Why Jews Don’t Proselytize

G-d gave His Torah to the Jewish people, containing His laws and decrees for them to follow. But what about the Non-Jew? In this episode, I speak with Rod Bryant, who many years ago was a successful Christian Pastor, and left it all behind when his study of Torah opened his eyes to the falsehood of the Church. His epiphany took his life on a course that led him to devote his life to the teaching of Torah to the non-Jew and their role in G-d’s creation. If you ever wanted to know why Jew’s don’t proselytize, then tune in to this podcast.

Parsha: Vayakhel & Pekudei – Sequestered with God

This week’s double-parsha begins with a stern warning against desecrating the Shabbos in order to build the Tabernacle. Absent the verse, I would have thought that you must even work on Shabbos to erect the Tabernacle. Why would I think so? Also, why indeed does it not override the Shabbos? In this special edition of the Parsha Podcast, we learn about the essence and redemptive powers of Shabbos.

Ethics: Judicial Restraint (4:9-10)

Justice is one of the three things that perpetuate the world. But should one strive to be a judge? In this very interesting Mishnah, the brainchild of a fascinating Sage, we discover that a person ought to be highly reticent in avoiding serving as a judge.