Category Archives: Shema Podcast

Chanukah Roundtable with the TORCH Podcast Team

I had the great honor and privilege of participating in a roundtable discussion on Chanukah, at the TORCH Center with my Rabbis and fellow Torch Podcasters, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Chaim Bucsko.  The upcoming holiday of Chanukah will be so much richer for me as a result of learning from my beloved Rabbis and I know you will feel the same.

To Be A Light Unto The Nations

Chanukah is a very special time of year for the Jewish people, so I wanted to bring on to the podcast 4 very special guest to share with us their wisdom on our holiday of Chanukah and the message the Almighty wants us to absorb and take with us throughout the year.

Tearing Through the Illusion – Part II

Tearing Through the Illusion Part II

The Almighty calls Shabbos a gift for the Jew. However, it is the most difficult mitzvah for a Jew to take upon themselves for the first time as one’s Yetzer Hara will use every tactic possible to dissuade them from doing so. In Part II of this episode I setup a panel discussion with Rabbi Bucsko and his students and we discuss the motivations for them wanting to keep Shabbos, the challenges associated with changing one’s lifestyle to observe this mitzvah and how to develop a personalized road map to receive the gift of Shabbos, that the Almighty is eagerly wanting to give to each of us.

Rectifying the Erev Rav in Klal Yisrael with Rabbi Cohen

When B’nai Yisrael left Egypt, they were not alone.  Pharoah had also sent out his people, the Erev Rav, the Mixed Multitude.  Moshe Rabbeinu converts them to be part of the Jewish people and they became the instigators of the sin of the golden calf, complaining about lack of meat, water and more.  The Erev Rav has since been interwoven into the fabric of Klal Yisrael in every generation since.  In this episode we are joined by Rabbi Cohen to answer questions like who were these people that Pharoah sent out with us, what was their mission, who is their reincarnation in our current generation and how can we remedy the situation.  Rabbi Cohen, drawing from sources in Tanach, Midrash and Zohar, shares amazing insights with powerful lessons and how we serve the Almighty in our current era and bring about the final redemption.

Rationale Norms vs. Popular Norms with Rebbetzin Trepp

The problem with the secular world is that the behaviors that are considered “normal” have been in a constant state of fluctuation throughout human history. The reason for the constant state of change of which behaviors are “normal” is that they are determined by popularity rather than reason. In Torah Judaism, the behaviors we aspire to were dictated by our Creator and therefore what we consider to be normal behavior has been a constant for over 3300 years, since the receiving of the Torah. In this episode I ask Rebbetzin Trepp, all the questions that those that are new to Torah Judaism may be wanting to know, but are apprehensive to ask their Rabbis, either out of fear of offending or thinking the subject is taboo. Of course, there are no taboo subjects on the Shema Podcast. So no need to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation as you will get all of these answers on this episode.

Living Inspired with Nissim Black (Rebroadcast)

A life centered around Torah is a life dedicated to perpetual transformation and with that comes struggles and challenges.  Nissim Black is American-Israeli rapper who has achieved international stardom through his beautiful and inspiring music.   His transformation to an Orthodox Jew and likewise the transformation of his music through this process is equally inspiring.   He is a Tzadik and a role model for the Jewish people.   In this episode, I talk with Nissim Black, and learn about how to grow through living inspired.

Tearing Through the Illusion – Part I

The greatest mitzvah for a Jew to connect with their Creator is by keeping Shabbos. However, it is the most difficult mitzvah for a Jew to take upon themselves. The reason for its difficulty has nothing to do with the complexities of the halacha but with the fact that the Jew’s Yetzer Hara does not want to give up this beachhead. It will use every measure and tactic possible to keep a Jew from observing this mitzvah. In the episode I discuss the reason the Yetzer Hara goes Defcon 1 on this matter which simultaneously reveals why it is so important for a Jew. The reality is that the arguments of the Yetzer Hara on why one should not keep Shabbos are the exact reasons why a Jew should keep Shabbos.

In The Sukkah with the TORCH Podcast Team

I had the great honor and privilege of participating in a roundtable discussion on Succos, in Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe’s beautiful Sukkah, with my Rabbis and fellow Torch Podcasters, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Chaim Bucsko. As always, I gained so much from hearing these amazing Rabbi’s insights, walking away with a heightened sense of understanding and appreciation of the festival of Succos.

Returning to our Source (Rebroadcast)

The Almighty desires for us to continually strengthen ourselves spiritually so that we can grow closer to Him. Just like a weightlifter intentionally exhausts their muscles under the weights they are lifting so that their muscles will tear and then be rebuilt to be stronger, the Almighty created a framework for us to do the same spiritually. He orchestrates events which create tests for us. Tests to challenge and strengthen ourselves. Even through sin, followed by teshuva, we rebuild ourselves by returning to our source, creating ourselves anew and as a better version than we were prior. In this episode, Rabbi Buscko goes deep into how we can use the gift of Yom Kippur to successfully accomplish this task.

The Time to Recalibrate with Rabbi Ari Winkler

We are deep in the month of Elul and rapidly approaching Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I asked my dear friend Rabbi Ari Winkler to join us and teach us, how to optimize this time of year to recalibrate ourselves back to who we truly are so we can bring greater alignment between us and our Infinite and Eternal Creator, our Father, our King.