Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe explains the ULTIMATE goal of Judaism and Torah

In this episode, the listener and I discover the real meaning of Judaism, from one of my heroes, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, the Executive Director of the Torah Outreach Center of Houston. If only this information was on a brochure for me to see in my youth, I would have never ignored my heritage till the age of 40.

Jewish Life: Age of the Universe: Can Torah and Science be Reconciled?

According to Jewish tradition, 2020 is the year 5780. Science estimates the age of the universe to be somewhere between 13.8-15.4 billion years. In this podcast, we will share a brilliant reconciliation sourced from centuries-old Kabbalistic books.

The Shema Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-shema-podcast/id1498489422

Daf Yomi Breakneck Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/daf-yomi-breakneck-with-rabbi-elchanan-shoff/id1494823922

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Ethics: Torah Misappropriation (4:7)

Our nation is blessed to be privy to the Almighty’s Torah. Those who immerse themselves in the Torah’s vast seas are the choicest and most admirable people of our nation. What benefits do they deserve? Is it OK for them to cash in on their Torah prowess? Should they demand honor for their Torah accomplishments?

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Sponsorship: Please consider sponsoring a podcast by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!

Contact Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe:
Websites: Personal: RabbiWolbe.com; TORCH: Torchweb.orgTwitter: Personal: @RabbiWolbe; TORCH: @TORCHWEB
Facebook: Personal: Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe; TORCH: TORCH Centre
Email: rabbiwolbe@gmail.com.

Debating (futilely) Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe

In this episode I take my cherished friend and teacher, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe, to task through a barrage of questions challenging him on Torah beliefs and philosophy. With his titan intellect, that was forged through a life dedicated to Torah study, he swatted away my arguments with eloquence, wisdom and humor, leaving me and the listener with a deeper appreciation and understanding of our Torah and heritage.

Parsha: Yisro – Spiritual Metamorphosis

Moshe’s father in law Yisro is arguably the most unusual character in the Torah. His arrival comes at a very crucial time – sandwiched between the major founding events of our nation – and his contribution is somewhat marginal, yet he is given prime real estate in the Torah: In the run-up to the most significant episode of the Torah, the Revelation at Sinai, we read about Yisro, his sacrifices, his festive banquet, his goosebumps, his declarations, his theological backstory; we discover that he has 7 names. The Torah focuses on his story at length. Why does Yisro matter? What eternal lesson does he impart?

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History: Chazon Ish: The Founding Father of the Modern Yeshiva World (Part Two: Making the Spiritual Desert Bloom)

In 1933, Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz – the Chazon Ish – moved to British Mandate Palestine. Prior to his departure, the recognized leader of the Torah world, Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky of Vilna had sent a letter to the leaders of the Yishuv informing them that a Torah giant was coming. Employing classic Talmudic phraseology, he wrote that “a lion is arising from Babylon”, and a respectable delegation of rabbis and community leaders arrived at the shores to greet him. It is hard to overstate the impact that this lion from Babylon will have over the Yishuv in the Land would have over the next 20 years. From his hometown of Bnei Brak, the Chazon Ish spearheaded the opening of dozens of Torah institutions, rooted in a vision of the Land of Israel, revived and blossoming, with Torah dominating every aspect of the lives and culture of the people.

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This Jewish History Podcast is sponsored in loving memory of Zelda Chaya Nechama Bat Sarah by her loving family who wish to remain anonymous. May her soul merit an elevation in Heaven

Sponsorship: Please consider sponsoring a podcast by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!

Contact Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe:
Websites: Personal: RabbiWolbe.com; TORCH: Torchweb.orgTwitter: Personal: @RabbiWolbe; TORCH: @TORCHWEB
Facebook: Personal: Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe; TORCH: TORCH Centre
Email: rabbiwolbe@gmail.com.

Opportunities are within Concealment

Prior to the Children of Israel receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai they had one miraculous experience after another.   From the 10 plagues to the splitting of the Red Sea, they saw, they heard, and they felt the knowledge that all there is, is G-d and that nature is simply His creation that allows Him to conceal Himself.  

But what about us, who have never had experiences like this?   Are we also to be held to the same responsibility of fulfilling the Torah, as well?    Why doesn’t G-d just have a National Revelation every generation?   If He made His point 3300 years ago, wouldn’t it be even more powerful, if repeated for every generation to hear.

TORAH 101: The Divine Torah: An Expanded Definition

The Eighth Principle, that the Torah is Divine, is the central principle upon which all the Thirteen Principles lean. Our entire religion hinges upon the fact that the Almighty gave us His Torah. But what exactly does that mean? In this podcast we discover that the Eighth Principle is much deeper than a question of authorship; the divinity of the Torah means a great deal more. 

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Please visit our website torchweb.org to get your FREE TORCH Shabbat Light Switch Cover.

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Sponsorship: Please consider sponsoring a podcast by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!

Contact Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe:
Websites: Personal: RabbiWolbe.com; TORCH: Torchweb.orgTwitter: Personal: @RabbiWolbe; TORCH: @TORCHWEB
Facebook: Personal: Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe; TORCH: TORCH Centre
Email: rabbiwolbe@gmail.com.