Spiritual Opportunism: A Special Shiur for Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe’s Yahrtzeit

It has been 15 years since my illustrious grandfather, Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, passed away, on the first day of Chol HaMoed Pesach 2005. In this special shiur to mark his yahrtzeit, we speculate the ways that he became great and take a very valuable lesson on how to become great ourselves during this coronavirus pandemic.

The Torah’s Recipe for Achieving Financial Wealth with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

G-d brought us into Egypt to become humbled and dependent servants to Pharaoh, so that He could bring us out of Egypt to be humble and dependent servants to Him. G-d is now shattering global economies to test us and see if we remember, are we dependent on our Pharaohs or are we dependent on Him. This is a must listen to episode for how to preserve and grow wealth in any economic climate with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe.

Parsha: Tzav – Essential Oxygen

Among the many sacrifices discussed in the Book of Leviticus, the Korban Todah, the Thanksgiving Sacrifice stands out. The Midrash teaches us that in the future, all sacrifices will cease, with the exception of the Thanksgiving sacrifice. Similarly, all prayers will be discontinued, but the thanksgiving prayer will endure. What is so unique about giving thanks to God?

Pesach: The Four Sons of the Seder: Strategies to Motivate all types of Children

The Torah provides four verses that describe the appropriate conversations fathers should have with their sons on Pesach Eve. The Haggadah explains that each conversation refers to a different type of son. There is a distinct dialogue with the wise son, the wicked son, the simple son, and the son who does not know how to ask. In this podcast we attempt to glean valuable parenting lessons that will enhance our Pesach and our relationships with our children.

Jewish Life: The Essence of Pesach

The Festival of Pesach is described as, “The time of our Freedom”, and “The Festival of Matzos.” What is the essence of these days? What is the distinct power that we can tap into over the course of this 8-day Festival? In this special pre-Pesach episode, we learn the central point of the Festival that marks the founding of our nation.

Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe on Moshiach

The Jewish people have been saying every year, since the destruction of the 2nd Temple, at their Passover Seder and at Yom Kippur, “Next Year in Jerusalem!” We have been yearning for millennia for the arrival of Moshiach and our redemption, where we will return to Jerusalem and rebuild our temple. In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe, shares his knowledge with us on this subject, teaching us everything we need to know about Moshiach.

Parsha: Vayikra – Infectious Spirituality

With the help of the Almighty, we begin a new Book, the Book of Leviticus, Sefer Vayikra. In this special edition of the Parsha Podcast, we read the Ramban’s introduction to the Book, and also analyze a very interesting subject contained within the Book that mirrors the events dominating the world today.