Parsha: Chukas & Balak – Second Chances

Over the course of the Nation’s 40 year sojourn in the Wilderness they tested God 10 times. But God believes in second chances, and gave them an opportunity to rectify their misdeeds. This principle applies on a national and individual level. We are all given second chances, but we must listen to those messages and seize those opportunities. Seeing them is not enough.

This Parsha podcast is dedicated in loving memory and leiluei nishmas Yisrael Ezra Ben Peretz HaLevi.

Ethics: Theodicy Today (4:19)

The blissful existence of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous raise difficult questions for the believer: If God is in total control of all that transpires, why would He cause pain to those who obey His words and reward those who neglect them? In this pithy mishnah we learn that the classical reconciliation of this problem may leave us wanting.

The Kabbalah of Intimacy Part 2 with Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

The Hebrew word for man is “Ish” which is spelled “Aleph-Yud-Shin” and the Hebrew word for woman is “Ishah” which is spelled “Aleph-Shin-Hey.” The two letters not in common are the “Yud” and the “Hey” which is a name of G-d. In this episode Rabbi Cohen discusses in depth the rationale for the importance of proper thoughts during marital intimacy so that we can be holy and properly unite the Name of G-d and bring the Divine Presence closer.

Parsha: Parshas Chukas & Balak (Rebroadcast)

In Parshas Chukas, we read about a highly unusual mitzvah: The Red Heifer, when an entirely red cow is burned together with a motley concoction of ingredients, and the resultant ashes are used to sprinkle on people that came into contact with dead people in order to purify them from their spiritual contamination. We also learn about the passing of Miriam and Aaron, and the multiple battles that the nation participated in on the Eastern bank of the Jordan, and we puzzle over the sin that condemned Moses and Aaron to die before entering the Land. Parshas Balak begins after the Jewish nation trounced the mighty kingdoms of Sichon and Og, the comparatively smaller and weaker kingdom of Moab resorted to unconventional warfare to attack the nation by hiring the prophet of the nations, a wily and devious character named Bilaam, to curse the Jews. It did not work out as planned.

Parsha: Korach – The Legendary Malcontents

Dathan and Abiram appear in Scripture for the first time in this week’s parsha as conspirators in Korach’s insurrection, but according to the  Midrash this is not nearly their first rebellion against Moshe and Aaron. In fact, since Moshe was a young lad, Dathan and Abiram were thorns at his side, resisting him at every juncture. Why were these malcontents kept around for so long and what can we learn from them?

Ethics: Environment Makes the Man (4:18)

Rabbi Elazar Ben Aruch was the most promising student of Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai. Unfortunately, his potential was not actualized, and in fact he forgot his Torah. In this autobiographical Mishnah, he shares with us the reason why his greatness did not pan out.

Practical Advice for Achieving Shalom Bayit

Previously I did an episode where I taught what I have learned on how to fulfill the most important mitzvah of Shalom Bayit. Now I attempt to take these theoretical concepts and learn how to implement with real world practical advice through this insightful interview with Rabbi Aryeh and Zehava Wolbe. If you want to please The Almighty and your spouse, then this is a must listen to episode.

Parsha: Shelach – Benefiting from Blunders

Mistakes are endemic to the human condition. We all make mistakes. Even the titans of our history like Moshe, Aaron, and Joshua made mistakes. In this hastily prepared podcast we speculate that mistakes are not incidental to greatness but are absolutely pivotal. Without mistakes there can be no greatness.