Category Archives: Shema Podcast

Infusing Holiness into the Mundane with Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter

First, God made the heavenly realm and earthly realm. Then He made mankind with a heavenly soul infused into an earthly body, in order to be a conduit between those two realms. In this episode I ask Rabbi Wohlgelernter to teach us how to bring Torah with us into our business life. He not only answers that question but provides valuable insights on how to infuse holiness into every moment of our life and that that very act is our very purpose as a Jew.

We Were Made to be Addicts

God created the world to bestow pleasure and then designed us to pursue Him, the source of all pleasure in ever greater quantities through Torah and mitzvot. And, if we do not properly attach ourselves to Him, and instead overindulge in the illusionary pleasures of the world, then devastating consequences can ensue. In this episode my most cherished guest ever, shares how the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Program is the Torah prescription for every Jew’s personal development. The continual deepening of Emunah, Mussar work, Teshuva, and service to others are the steps that every Jew can harness to propel themselves to greatness.

Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe on Anti-Semitism

Last year in the US over 57% of Hate Crimes were against Jews, which seems like a lot on its own, but when you factor in that we only account for barely 2% of the US population, it’s quite astronomical. Anti-Semitism is truly unlike any other form of racism, as the Jewish people comprise every ethnicity. And it cannot be xenophobia, as we have been exiled to every part of the globe. Anti-Semitism is definitively something unique and unexplainable. It is a phenomenon that I needed to understand better. In this episode, I talk with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe and ask him if Torah discusses this subject and if so, what can we learn. The answer he provides is as equally rational as anti-Semitism is irrational.

Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter On Our Anniversary with the Almighty

Mt. Sinai was our wedding canopy where the Almighty, as our groom and we the Jewish people, as His bride, made an eternal commitment that we would be forever bound to one another. Shavous is arriving soon. It is our anniversary with the Almighty, where we renew our mutual commitment. Hashem has just one request from us and that is that we leave our work behind and focus simply on one another. Listen in and learn from Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter on how to make the most of this very sacred time.

Prepping for Sinai with Rabbi Chaim Bucsko

It is now the Counting of the Omer. These 49 days between Pesach and Shavous create a bridge that allows one to leave their mental restrictions and move towards a more expanded consciousness. In this episode, Rabbi Chaim Buscko breaks down for us how to tap into the spiritual energies now present. By doing so, we will forge ourselves into vessels that will allow us to absorb the wisdom of Torah and catapult us to a higher level of closeness to our Creator.

The Holy Bris with Rabbi Yaakov Cohen (For Men Only)

This important topic is for men only.

Gentlemen, we have a sacred and eternal covenant with the Almighty, the Bris Milah. This contractual arrangement comes with ongoing responsibilities, that if violated will cause a breach of this Holy contract and make our Bris null and void. It is essential for us and the entire Jewish nation to keep our covenant. Tune in and learn from Rabbi Cohen as he discusses the Kabbalistic and Torah insights to the meaning of the Holy Bris.

The Torah’s Recipe for Achieving Financial Wealth with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

G-d brought us into Egypt to become humbled and dependent servants to Pharaoh, so that He could bring us out of Egypt to be humble and dependent servants to Him. G-d is now shattering global economies to test us and see if we remember, are we dependent on our Pharaohs or are we dependent on Him. This is a must listen to episode for how to preserve and grow wealth in any economic climate with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe.

Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe on Moshiach

The Jewish people have been saying every year, since the destruction of the 2nd Temple, at their Passover Seder and at Yom Kippur, “Next Year in Jerusalem!” We have been yearning for millennia for the arrival of Moshiach and our redemption, where we will return to Jerusalem and rebuild our temple. In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe, shares his knowledge with us on this subject, teaching us everything we need to know about Moshiach.

Why Jews Don’t Proselytize

G-d gave His Torah to the Jewish people, containing His laws and decrees for them to follow. But what about the Non-Jew? In this episode, I speak with Rod Bryant, who many years ago was a successful Christian Pastor, and left it all behind when his study of Torah opened his eyes to the falsehood of the Church. His epiphany took his life on a course that led him to devote his life to the teaching of Torah to the non-Jew and their role in G-d’s creation. If you ever wanted to know why Jew’s don’t proselytize, then tune in to this podcast.

Shalom Bayit: The Greatest Mitzvah

The reason Shalom Bayit is the most important mitzvah is because it is ONLY within the dynamic of a marriage that one can achieve their tikkun (soul correction) in this world.   In this podcast we share the rationale for why it is the most important mitzvah and the tools for succeeding in fulfilling this mitzvah.