Category Archives: Shema Podcast

The Body and Soul of Torah

When I realized that Torah was directly from the Heavens, I encountered a new question, “What is Torah?” I had seen a Torah scroll and I knew about the 5 Books of Moses but when I began to study the text, many more questions surfaced. I would read the weekly Parsha baffled by a narrative that seem to leave out so much information, yet knowing that their was something deep behind the text that I was just not equipped to uncover on my own. As I researched it more, I realized that the narrative of the written Torah was an outer layer that concealed infinite information. In this episode I invited my new friend and teacher, Rabbi Daniel Cotlar, to help me understand further, the body and soul of Torah.

A Hug from Hashem

We entered Rosh Hashanah and declared that Hashem is our King and we are His subjects, allowing us to move into Yom Kippur so we could reflect on our previous year and discern when our thoughts, words and actions were not congruent with that truth. And now it is time to enter our Sukkahs, designed like His arm reaching around us and holding us close. It’s time to recalibrate back to the truth that the only power is the Almighty and that what is central to our lives is not our careers, politics and other material pursuits, but simply to serve the King by fulfilling his Torah. In this episode Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe explains why Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshana Raba, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are all connected and much, much more.

Returning to our Source

The Almighty desires for us to continually strengthen ourselves spiritually so that we can grow closer to Him. Just like a weightlifter intentionally exhausts their muscles under the weights they are lifting so that their muscles will tear and then be rebuilt to be stronger, the Almighty created a framework for us to do the same spiritually. He orchestrates events which create tests for us. Tests to challenge and strengthen ourselves. Even through sin, followed by teshuva, we rebuild ourselves by returning to our source, creating ourselves anew and as a better version than we were prior. In this episode, Rabbi Buscko goes deep into how we can use the gift of Yom Kippur to successfully accomplish this task.

Awake from your Slumber!

G-d blew a soul into Adam. On Rosh Hashanah we blow into the Shofar, tapping into the core of our soul to awaken us from our slumber. We are reminding ourselves of our mission. G-d is the King and we are His subjects. Our tasks at hand is the loftiest of all tasks, to be His co-creators and bring Godliness to every corner of the world. This is a must listen episode, as Rabbi Wohlgelernter teaches us how to be successful this Rosh Hashanah by setting ourselves on a trajectory to accomplish our goal.

Jews and Politics

We received Torah Law from the Almighty to instruct us on maintaining a utopian society, however Torah Law in totality is intended for when the Jewish people return to Israel, the temple is rebuilt and the Sanhedrin Court reestablished. So, if that is the case, what are our responsibilities in our host nations? How involved should we be in politics? Should a Jew hold public office? Should Torah influence our voting in our host nation? These questions and many more are answered in this episode’s platform discussion with the dynamic duo; Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe and Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe.

Loving the Heretic with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe

A fundamental mitzvah of a Jew is to love their fellow as themselves. But what about Jewish heretics that lead Jews astray? The Jewish people collectively are guilty of the Sin of the Golden Calf, because while it was only the Egyptians converts that committed the sin, the rest of Jewish people were held culpable as they did nothing to stop it. So, how do we reconcile the mitzvah of loving our fellow Jew as ourselves when among a heretic? I find myself once again perplexed, so I thought this would be a great question to have the brilliant Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe come on the show and answer it for me.

Rabbi Chaim Bucsko on Who is Me?

We are taught that we are a heavenly soul residing in a physical body. However, our morning prayer states that we are thankful to G-d for restoring our souls to us, which implies that we are a body. So, which is it? Are we a body or a soul? I was having a middle age identity crisis, so I asked my dear friend, Rabbi Chaim Bucsko, to come on to the program and give me some clarity on who is “me.”

The Kabbalah of Intimacy Part 2 with Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

The Hebrew word for man is “Ish” which is spelled “Aleph-Yud-Shin” and the Hebrew word for woman is “Ishah” which is spelled “Aleph-Shin-Hey.” The two letters not in common are the “Yud” and the “Hey” which is a name of G-d. In this episode Rabbi Cohen discusses in depth the rationale for the importance of proper thoughts during marital intimacy so that we can be holy and properly unite the Name of G-d and bring the Divine Presence closer.

Practical Advice for Achieving Shalom Bayit

Previously I did an episode where I taught what I have learned on how to fulfill the most important mitzvah of Shalom Bayit. Now I attempt to take these theoretical concepts and learn how to implement with real world practical advice through this insightful interview with Rabbi Aryeh and Zehava Wolbe. If you want to please The Almighty and your spouse, then this is a must listen to episode.

The Kabbalah of Intimacy Part 1 with Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

Whether marital intimacy occurs with the intention to create a child or not, this episode is a must listen for every couple. The negative middos that one is born with are a result of improper thoughts and actions in the Holy of Holies, our bedrooms. Rabbi Yaakov Cohen shares incredible insights from the Zohar that will enable a couple intending to become pregnant the methods for bringing down a soul without blemishes, allowing those children to become the tremendous sources of light that will enable Tikkun Olam for us all. And for those whose marital intimacy is not for the expressed purpose of impregnation the impact in the spiritual realm is equally beneficial.