Category Archives: Shema Podcast

What is Torah with Rabbi Nagel, Part II

Our claim as the Jewish people is that our origin began at Mt. Sinai when we received the Torah.   Many of us, when beginning our pursuit of Torah wisdom, often overlook an important question and that is, what is Torah?   The answer at first seems obvious until we contemplate it further.  Understanding the answer to this fundamental question, is something we need to thoroughly comprehend if we want to unlock the power of Torah to transform us into who we truly are.

What is Torah with Rabbi Nagel, Part I

Our claim as the Jewish people is that our origin began at Mt. Sinai when we received the Torah.   Many of us, when beginning our pursuit of Torah wisdom, often overlook an important question and that is, what is Torah?   The answer at first seems obvious until we contemplate it further.  Understanding the answer to this fundamental question, is something we need to thoroughly comprehend if we want to unlock the power of Torah to transform us into who we truly are.

The Anatomy of a Tzadik II with Rabbi Aryeh and Yitzi Wolbe

Fulfilling the Torah is Simple but not Easy.

In summary Torah is telling us the following:

  1. Our purpose in this world is to pursue ultimate pleasure.
  2. The ultimate pleasure we are pursuing is closeness to Hashem.
  3. The way we ascend closer to Hashem is through aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with Him.
  4. The way we learn how to align ourselves with Him is through His Torah.
  5. His ways are ways of giving.
  6. While we all have unique challenges, tailored to our unique curriculum for growth, they all have something in common and that is our Yetzer Hara is continually trying to convince us that the source of pleasure is taking, not giving.

In this episode I bring on Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe and his 7-year-old son, Yitzi, to inspire us, by sharing stories of Tzadikim who have excelled in this lofty and simple, but not easy task.

Accessorizing the external to change the internal with Rabbi Abrahams, Part II

The Almighty has orchestrated throughout history periods when the non-Jewish world opens up to the Jewish people.  His objective is to see whether we are now capable to go out into the world and be a light unto the other nations or whether we choose to take the path of assimilation.   While Chanukah is our example in time of how to succeed at this task, for the majority of history we have sadly failed, causing G-d to orchestrate world events so that the other nations will remind us that we are Jews through the escalation of Anti-Semitism.   And once again, we are seeing this play out.   So how do we equip ourselves to interact with the other nations without assimilating into the other nations?  The answer is our lifelines of Tzitzit, Yarmulke and Tefillin.   They are what harness us to the Almighty wherever we go in the world so that we stay true to our mission.   In this invocative episode Rabbi Abrahams explores the deep meaning of these important mitzvos.

Accessorizing the external to change the internal with Rabbi Abrahams, Part I

The Almighty has orchestrated throughout history periods when the non-Jewish world opens up to the Jewish people.  His objective is to see whether we are now capable to go out into the world and be a light unto the other nations or whether we choose to take the path of assimilation.   While Chanukah is our example in time of how to succeed at this task, for the majority of history we have sadly failed, causing G-d to orchestrate world events so that the other nations will remind us that we are Jews through the escalation of Anti-Semitism.   And once again, we are seeing this play out.   So how do we equip ourselves to interact with the other nations without assimilating into the other nations?  The answer is our lifelines of Tzitzit, Yarmulke and Tefillin.   They are what harness us to the Almighty wherever we go in the world so that we stay true to our mission.   In this invocative episode Rabbi Abrahams explores the deep meaning of these important mitzvos.

Our Power of Speech with Rabbi Yaghobian

What does String Theory and the Observer Effect in quantum mechanics have to do with a Jew saying a Bracha?  Tune into this episode as Rabbi Yaghobian reconciles the two and goes deep into the meaning and purpose to saying a Bracha before deriving pleasure from this world.

Warning:  Potential side effects of listening to this episode may result in your mind being blown away, becoming more mindful of your speech, and desiring to learn our Brachas and say with perfect enunciation.

Our Anniversary with the Almighty, with Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter (Rebroadcast)

Mt. Sinai was our wedding canopy where the Almighty, as our groom and we the Jewish people, as His bride, made an eternal commitment that we would be forever bound to one another.   Shavous is arriving soon.   It is our anniversary with the Almighty, where we renew our mutual commitment.   Hashem has just one request from us and that is that we leave our work behind and focus simply on one another.  Listen in and learn from Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter on how to make the most of this very sacred time.

Living with Intention with Ahron Wohlgelernter

The Almighty did not design us to compartmentalize our minds, where we apply facts and reason to draw conclusions with our secular life and then just rely on blind faith and the culture we grew up in, to draw conclusions on our Jewish life.   The purpose of the opportunity of our lifetime, is to avoid navigating the world on autopilot and instead live with congruency between our intellect and emotions.   This is how we unleash our potential in serving the Almighty and fulfilling our purpose in this world.  In this episode, Ahron Wohlgelernter, the host of the Think Torah Podcast and the website, an aggregation platform for Jewish learning, joins us to talk about living with intention.

Tapping into the Energy of Pesach with Rabbi Wohlgelernter

The weeks that lead up to Pesach/Passover, is the time to prepare ourselves to become a vessel to receive the influx of energy that G-d brings to the Jewish people.   This is the energy that will propel us to greater heights of spirituality and provides us the opportunity to unleash ourselves from limited thought and connect more to our infinite Creator.  In this amazing discussion with Rabbi Wohlgelernter he shares the techniques to prepare ourselves to connect to the power of Pesach and the ultimate time of renewal.

The Anatomy of a Tzadik with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

Growing up secular, greatly limited my understanding of the capacity of mankind’s greatness. The secular world is so pre-occupied with making their heroes people who are talented musicians, actors, athletes, or businesspeople, but whose private life lacks much to be admired.  As Jews we have Tzadikim to look up to and admire and strive to emulate.   These are people that have truly optimized themselves to become angles in this world.  In this episode Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, Executive Director of TORCH and host of the Jewish Inspiration Podcast, joins us to share some mind blowing and inspiring stories of these Tzadikim that will open your mind to your true potential.