Category Archives: Shema Podcast

Building Multi-Generational Wealth with Rabbi Yissachar Granitsky

Often in our endeavors to grow as Jews, we sometimes can’t see beyond the challenge directly in front of us and we forget that we are building something much bigger than ourselves. In this inspiring episode, I interviewed Rabbi Yissachar Granitsky. He tells an incredible story of his life as a non-Jew, the event’s G-d created to lead him to a Yeshiva in Israel, so that he could hear a Rabbi ask him, “Who is your G-d? and What are you pursuing?” Armed with focused purpose that he wanted to pursue the G-d of Israel, steadfast resolve, and an unwavering belief, that if one follows the Torah, then The Almighty will take care of the rest, led him to build multi-generational wealth. As a Rabbi and patriarch of the amazing Granitsky family, now eighty plus strong and G-d willing still growing, the principals he shares, if internalized and taught to our children, will enable us to do the same.

Living in the Era of Moshiach with Rabbi Yaghobian

Our Siddur is replete with prayers for the coming of Moshiach. It is something that for millennium we have anticipated. After listening to Rabbi Yaghobian speak on this matter, I felt like a character from the 90’s movie Pulp Fiction; a woman who was overdosing from a heroin, only to be brought back to life via an adrenaline shot through her sternum into her heart.  Rabbi Yaghobian’s words were like that adrenaline shot, causing me to wake up and see, that the Era of Moshiach is no longer an idea for some distant future, but the reality we live in today, as we are now living in the Era of Moshiach.

WARNING: Listening to this episode will create an insatiable desire to learn Torah, do mitzvos with intention, improve ones’ character traits and help out their fellow Jews by supporting Jewish Outreach organizations.

The Mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh with Richard Green, CEO at Clarion Project

In this amazing episode I interview Richard Green, CEO at the Clarion Project.  Richard began his career studying at the AISH HaTorah Yeshiva, under Rabbi Noah Weinberg.   Shortly after the 911 attacks, Rabbi Weinberg explained to Richard that while he has devoted his life to Jewish Outreach, there is an eminent threat to Jewish lives as a result of radical Islam.  While the world needs Jewish Outreach Rabbi’s to save souls, the world also needs those that will be dedicated to the mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh (saving a life).   Richard heard his calling and started the Clarion Project and a life committed to exposing and reducing the threats of extremism to create a safer world not only for the Jewish people but all Americans.  After listening to this podcast check out their documentaries at

But I’m a good person…with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Part II

A common statement I have heard from fellow Jews is, “I don’t study Torah and keep the mitzvos but, I’m a good person and that’s what G-d really cares about.”   In this episode I have the witty, brilliant, and entertaining, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe join us to delve into and unravel this statement. Whether you are someone who has asked this same question or a Torah observant Jew, the insights he provides during this conversation will leave you with a much deeper understanding and appreciation of why the Almighty gave us the 613 mitzvos.

But, I’m a good person…with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Part I

A common statement I have heard from fellow Jews is, “I don’t study Torah and keep the mitzvos but, I’m a good person and that’s what G-d really cares about.”   In this episode I have the witty, brilliant, and entertaining, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe join us to delve into and unravel this statement. Whether you are someone who has asked this same question or a Torah observant Jew, the insights he provides during this conversation will leave you with a much deeper understanding and appreciation of why the Almighty gave us the 613 mitzvos.

Moments of Spiritual Ascension with Rabbi Bucsko – Part II

We are so fortunate to be Jews and have the Torah.  We know how the Almighty structured time in a circular path throughout the year.  We know how each moment contains unique spiritual energies and the methods or mitzvos for tapping into each one.   As a result, our circular path throughout the year is continually ascending higher.  I asked Rabbi Bucsko to join us on this episode to provide a macro view of this cycle of time; how to prepare ourselves for where we are now in the month of Elul and carry us through Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkos and Simchas Torah.  We are on a roller coaster that is creeping upwards towards the first thrilling part of the ride but when the ride is over, we will not be getting off where we got on.

Moments of Spiritual Ascension with Rabbi Bucsko – Part I

We are so fortunate to be Jews and have the Torah.  We know how the Almighty structured time in a circular path throughout the year.  We know how each moment contains unique spiritual energies and the methods or mitzvos for tapping into each one.   As a result, our circular path throughout the year is continually ascending higher.  I asked Rabbi Bucsko to join us on this episode to provide a macro view of this cycle of time; how to prepare ourselves for where we are now in the month of Elul and carry us through Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkos and Simchas Torah.  We are on a roller coaster that is creeping upwards towards the first thrilling part of the ride but when the ride is over, we will not be getting off where we got on.

Living as a King with Rabbi Chaim and Rebbetzin Cohen

The Almighty created us with a desire to control. Void of Torah wisdom, many attempt to channel that desire to control, to the world around them. The reason this results in tremendous frustration is that the world around us, is Hashem’s world and one he controls. Through Torah we learn that the world He intended for us to channel our desire of control into, is that of our internal world. This is our Kingdom and in order for us to successfully live as a King, by asserting our dominion over it, is predicated on the type of nourishment we consume. It requires a spiritual diet. In this episode we are joined by Rabbi Chaim and Rebbetzin Cohen and they share with us their wisdom on the mitzvah of Kosher.

Becoming a Spiritual Athlete with Scott Kammerman – Part II

Everyone who begins the journey towards Torah Observance share a similar experience with one another.   We all begin to encounter new challenges in life that we did not have before.   It seems so counterintuitive that it can lead to frustration.  The reality is that the new challenges in front of us are being orchestrated by G-d as a means to remove what is blocking us from becoming closer to Him.  In this episode I bring on my dear friend and spiritual athlete, Scott Kammerman so he can share his wisdom and advice, acquired through years of training, on how to turn these challenges into what they were intended to be.  A custom learning curriculum developed by the Almighty to aid us both in our mutual desire.

Becoming a Spiritual Athlete with Scott Kammerman – Part I

Everyone who begins the journey towards Torah Observance share a similar experience with one another.   We all begin to encounter new challenges in life that we did not have before.   It seems so counterintuitive that it can lead to frustration.  The reality is that the new challenges in front of us are being orchestrated by G-d as a means to remove what is blocking us from becoming closer to Him.  In this episode I bring on my dear friend and spiritual athlete, Scott Kammerman so he can share his wisdom and advice, acquired through years of training, on how to turn these challenges into what they were intended to be.  A custom learning curriculum developed by the Almighty to aid us both in our mutual desire.