Author Archives: Admin

TORAH 101: What is Oral Torah?

When Rambam lays out the Eighth Principle of his Thirteen Principles of Faith, that the Torah is divine, he includes believing in not only the Written Torah but also the Oral Torah as a necessary belief for Jews. But what exactly is Oral Torah? What is the relationship between the Written and Oral Torahs? In this podcast, the first of several on the important subject of Oral Torah, we get an important introduction to Oral Torah by studying Rambam’s Introduction to Mishnah and studying relevant Talmudic teachings.

Ethics: Making Torah a Priority (4:12)

Rabbi Meir is one of the most significant personalities in Jewish history. He was one of the five surviving students of Rabbi Akiva, and the one whose notes were used as the basis for the Mishnah. In this seminal teaching, he guides us on how to harmonize Torah study and making a livelihood and informs us of the great, eternal benefits of making Torah the central priority of our lives.

Ethics: Getting Rich Doing What You Love (4:11)

Which is a greater inhibitor of Torah study, being rich or being poor? You would imagine that both conditions would distract someone from dedicating their time to Torah study. In this Mishnah we find an answer to this question and consequently a way for someone to achieve a rags-to-riches turnaround thanks to committed Torah study.

TORCH Shabbat Light Switch Cover

Please visit our website to get your FREE TORCH Shabbat Light Switch Cover.

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This Eternal Ethics podcast is dedicated in loving memory of Matisyahu Ben Avraham. May his soul be elevated in Heaven.

Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter On Our Anniversary with the Almighty

Mt. Sinai was our wedding canopy where the Almighty, as our groom and we the Jewish people, as His bride, made an eternal commitment that we would be forever bound to one another. Shavous is arriving soon. It is our anniversary with the Almighty, where we renew our mutual commitment. Hashem has just one request from us and that is that we leave our work behind and focus simply on one another. Listen in and learn from Rabbi Yaakov Wohlgelernter on how to make the most of this very sacred time.

Mitzvah: Monetary Disputes (#57-60, 336)

One of the pillars of a functioning society is a fair judiciary that respects private property and adjudicates monetary disputes fairly. The Torah delineates four types of custodians with differing laws governing each of them. In this podcast, we survey the various types of custodians and examine some of the different ways that a Jewish court navigates monetary disputes.

Prepping for Sinai with Rabbi Chaim Bucsko

It is now the Counting of the Omer. These 49 days between Pesach and Shavous create a bridge that allows one to leave their mental restrictions and move towards a more expanded consciousness. In this episode, Rabbi Chaim Buscko breaks down for us how to tap into the spiritual energies now present. By doing so, we will forge ourselves into vessels that will allow us to absorb the wisdom of Torah and catapult us to a higher level of closeness to our Creator.

The Holy Bris with Rabbi Yaakov Cohen (For Men Only)

This important topic is for men only.

Gentlemen, we have a sacred and eternal covenant with the Almighty, the Bris Milah. This contractual arrangement comes with ongoing responsibilities, that if violated will cause a breach of this Holy contract and make our Bris null and void. It is essential for us and the entire Jewish nation to keep our covenant. Tune in and learn from Rabbi Cohen as he discusses the Kabbalistic and Torah insights to the meaning of the Holy Bris.