Author Archives: Admin

Ethics: Upgrading Honor (4:15)

How ought we treat subordinates, peers, and superiors? In this intriguing Mishnah we learn that we tend to undervalue others and consequently accord them insufficient honor, and must correct that by always upgrading the honor and respect for all of our relationships.

Bamidbar and Shavuos: The Indispensability of each Jew

Parshas Bamidbar is the Torah portion that we read immediately prior to Shavuos, the Festival of the Giving of the Torah, each year. In this special episode, we offer a mind-bending idea to ponder the connection between Shavuos and Parshas Bamidbar.

To aid with visualizing the contents of this unique episode, please download the accompanying slideshow and follow along.

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TORCH Shabbat Light Switch Cover

Please visit our website to get your FREE TORCH Shabbat Light Switch Cover.

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Ethics: An Enduring Union (4:14)

The Sages of yore were absolute Torah giants, of course, but many also balanced their scholastic responsibilities with earning a livelihood. Our particular Mishnah is the brainchild of Rabbi Yochanan HaSandler, Rabbi Yochanan the Shoemaker. In this pithy teaching, he differentiates between assemblies convened for the sake of Heaven and those bound for failure.

We Were Made to be Addicts

God created the world to bestow pleasure and then designed us to pursue Him, the source of all pleasure in ever greater quantities through Torah and mitzvot. And, if we do not properly attach ourselves to Him, and instead overindulge in the illusionary pleasures of the world, then devastating consequences can ensue. In this episode my most cherished guest ever, shares how the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Program is the Torah prescription for every Jew’s personal development. The continual deepening of Emunah, Mussar work, Teshuva, and service to others are the steps that every Jew can harness to propel themselves to greatness.

Ethics: Heavenly Headlines (4:13)

What are the consequences of out behavior? What difference does it make if someone does a mitzvah or a sin? In this landmark teaching in Pirkei Avos we learn that our actions truly matter. We have the opportunity to make breaking news in Heaven. What Heavenly Headline will we write?

Please email me at with any questions or comments

Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe on Anti-Semitism

Last year in the US over 57% of Hate Crimes were against Jews, which seems like a lot on its own, but when you factor in that we only account for barely 2% of the US population, it’s quite astronomical. Anti-Semitism is truly unlike any other form of racism, as the Jewish people comprise every ethnicity. And it cannot be xenophobia, as we have been exiled to every part of the globe. Anti-Semitism is definitively something unique and unexplainable. It is a phenomenon that I needed to understand better. In this episode, I talk with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe and ask him if Torah discusses this subject and if so, what can we learn. The answer he provides is as equally rational as anti-Semitism is irrational.

Parsha: Emor – The Addiction Challenge

Among the many laws found in our parsha, are the laws governing the Festivals and holidays. Given that we are currently in middle of the Counting of the Omer period spanning from Pesach to Shavuos, in this special episode we presented various ways to maximize this period. We also made a specific challenge to the audience. Are you in? Shoot me an email at and let me know.