Monthly Archives: May 2020

Parsha: Emor – The Addiction Challenge

Among the many laws found in our parsha, are the laws governing the Festivals and holidays. Given that we are currently in middle of the Counting of the Omer period spanning from Pesach to Shavuos, in this special episode we presented various ways to maximize this period. We also made a specific challenge to the audience. Are you in? Shoot me an email at and let me know.

TORAH 101: What is Oral Torah?

When Rambam lays out the Eighth Principle of his Thirteen Principles of Faith, that the Torah is divine, he includes believing in not only the Written Torah but also the Oral Torah as a necessary belief for Jews. But what exactly is Oral Torah? What is the relationship between the Written and Oral Torahs? In this podcast, the first of several on the important subject of Oral Torah, we get an important introduction to Oral Torah by studying Rambam’s Introduction to Mishnah and studying relevant Talmudic teachings.

Ethics: Making Torah a Priority (4:12)

Rabbi Meir is one of the most significant personalities in Jewish history. He was one of the five surviving students of Rabbi Akiva, and the one whose notes were used as the basis for the Mishnah. In this seminal teaching, he guides us on how to harmonize Torah study and making a livelihood and informs us of the great, eternal benefits of making Torah the central priority of our lives.